The InfiniteYouniverse Podcast
Welcome to The InfiniteYouniverse Podcast. I am Payam Riazi, your host for this show.
Our intention with this platform is to "Be a Light for Change."
Our inner light can transform our reality and create meaningful experiences. By honouring our individuality and differences as people while living from a place of unconditional love & reverence, we can explore ourselves and our connection to the universe. We are all one.
Join us and be a part of our YOUniverse.
The InfiniteYouniverse Podcast
Doors of Polarity - Universal Truth of YinYang
In this episode, we uncover the brilliant wisdom represented to us when we look at the YinYang symbol and how we can carry out its wisdom with us in our everyday lives.
Our world is not black and white. Our world runs with so much artistry and machinery "in the backgrounds of our lives" that we often look past and don't even know it's there.
In this episode, we uncover what happens when doors close before us and what that means when we look at it from an abundant mindset with the law of polarity as its rooted concept.
Rejection is Redirection.
Black implies White.
Self implies other.
In implies out.
Out implies in.
This is polarity.
Payam | TheInfiniteYOUniverse Podcast